HSE.AI Cloud Solution

Extra hardware, security, and networking to use the HSE.AI platform You don't need to invest in technology,The platform is more secure thanks to HSEA.AI's advanced cloud technology infrastructure and you can use fast.The platform is brought to life in a very short time with very easy and fast integration settings and you can start using it.In this system, installed in the appropriate places you need, IP compatible are cameras. The better the resolution quality of the cameras, the betterThe data quality you will receive will also be higher.
instantaneous data monitoring of occupational health and ai safety solutions and transfer to the admin panel

HSE.AI Dedicated Server Solution (On Premise)

HSE.AI Dedicated Server Solution (On Premise)

HSE.AI Platform Interfaces

Thanks to its user-friendly, aesthetic, easy-to-understand and plain design interfaces, you can You can access data and application modules.Thanks to the statistical graphics that appear on the main screen, the summary results of the instant data collected in the system you can reach instantly.
instantaneous data monitoring of occupational health and ai safety solutions and transfer to the admin panel