Artificial Intelligence Image Scanning Technology Ergonomics Risk Monitoring


Ergonomics is a discipline that aims to optimize the design of workplace environments and work processes by taking into account the physical, mental and emotional needs and abilities of people. Ergonomics is used to make human working and living environments more efficient, safe and healthy. This field brings together a variety of scientific and engineering principles to support people to work comfortably and effectively and to reduce occupational accidents and work-related health problems.


In work environments that do not comply with the discipline of ergonomics, the likelihood of occupational accidents is very high, as well as causing an increase in long-term health problems.


If we list the main diseases based on ergonomics risks;


1. Low back pain,


2. Neck Pains,


3. Shoulder Pains,


4. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Using a keyboard and mouse incorrectly or making repetitive hand movements can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome,


5. Inflammation in the muscles or tendons can lead to a condition called tendonitis,


6. Fibromyalgia, a chronic pain syndrome that causes symptoms such as fatigue, muscle pain and tenderness, can be associated with long-term poor ergonomic conditions,


7. Eye Strain, Prolonged staring at computer screens or inappropriate lighting conditions can cause eye strain,


8. Hearing Loss,


9. Headache,


10. Muscle Strain



It is possible to monitor ergonomics risks through an AI-supported camera. By tracking the body positions of employees, the most risky positions can be identified and reported,


The main ergonomics risks that can be detected through AI-powered cameras;


- Constant Repetition of Moving Positions, Fast and Extremely Slow Movements,


- Transport and Lifting Positions,


- Sitting and Standing Positions,


- Operating Positions of Tools and Equipment,


- Bending, Sagging, Hanging Positions,


- Immobilization


Many similar ergonomics risks can be identified and analyzed.



So what kind of benefits does this kind of monitoring and analysis bring us?


- It creates awareness in managers and employees, they have deep concrete data about the ergonomics risks they are exposed to,


- It is not possible to detect diseases related to ergonomics risks in the early stages. The repetition and duration of the ergonomics risk gives us the opportunity to show in advance what kind of health problems it will cause in the future. This information makes it more effective to take protective measures for employees exposed to ergonomics risks.


- It provides concrete information on how to improve the machinery, equipment and working environments that pose an ergonomics risk,


It shows the losses that may occur in production and service due to such risks,



Artificial intelligence technologies have started to be used for the detection and analysis of safety and other risk factors in the workplace. It is inevitable that this technology will first protect human health and then provide significant benefits in property safety and productivity studies.